A Map of the World (1999) Full Movie In English | Sigourney Weaver | Julianne Moore | Drama | IOF
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Storyline : A woman's life falls apart after she's blamed for an accident on her property.
Directed by Scott Elliott
Produced by Kathleen Kennedy
Frank Marshall
Screenplay by Peter Hedges
Polly Platt
Based on Novel:
Jane Hamilton
Sigourney Weaver
Julianne Moore
David Strathairn
Arliss Howard
Chloë Sevigny
Louise Fletcher
Music by Pat Metheny
Cinematography Seamus McGarvey
Edited by Naomi Geraghty
Craig McKay
Overseas Filmgroup
Distributed by USA Films
Omg… her brat daughter caused her at that stress. What a horrible kid.
Teach a toddler to float and this probably would never happen to another child.
Reading the comments and seeing people getting highly strung on a movie,it’s just a movie ?♀️though the funeral scene is heartbreaking I’ve been to a child’s funeral before and I broke down so dear knows how the parents were feeling,how do you live after losing a child I’d die losing any off mine ?it must be awful to feel responsible for the death of a friend/families child ?
There was two adults on the property, and both should have helped watch the children. One person should not be responsible to watch all of them alone and get things ready for the day. That poor woman.
I can’t watch that know, this is a horror trip. Maybe another, better time.
What do the people who acuse others think a human being is? Allways perfect and if not criminal???
The Gospel of salvation: ???????For what I received I passed on to you as of [first importance]: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures, and that he appeared to Peter, and then to the Twelve. After that, he appeared to more than five hundred of the brothers and sisters at the same time,
Raising kids is a huge responsibility, I’m so glad I didn’t have them.
With small children, you cannot leave them alone one second.
@Miss Vlad Yes, just go into any grocery store or library and watch the hissy-fits from coddled children who get what they want because parents are afraid to discipline on the assumption they’ll be charged with child abuse. This is what our liberal society has given us. Along with all the other criminal liberties we’ve allowed, the worst part is this nation (except for the few) has turned it’s back on morality. And so we wonder why things are coming to a head. Keep strong in your God given morals.
Miss Vlad that’s exactly right!!!! One needs to start early also. Guiding them; even as little toddlers.
You also need to discipline them so they dont become spoiled brats!
A movie that shows different situations could pop in life.. The wonderful thing of this story the values of trying no matter what happens to be sincere and honest with ourselves and with others. A well done movie and very good actors. thanks so much! …And no matter what happens in life be sincere and keep going, life is beautiful!
Sigourney could deal with aliens and beat them I Was expecting she did ?the same with her children
I become fan of Juliana Moore, she is really a fabulous actress
Such a riveting, disturbing movie! I stopped everything to watch it. This poor woman was totally exhausted, overwhelmed, and completely unsupported by her weak ineffectual husband.
Her gorgeous red-haired friend was coping so much better and made it look easy.
That moment she took her eyes off the children, the 2-year old managed to slip away, as always happens.
I admire the tremendous acting skills of each actor, even her weak husband when he eventually developed enough backbone to tell his interfering mother to put the chair down. I found this movie to be poignant, extremely gut-wrenching and so grossly unfair.
The older daughter was a complete brat. Her husband never once supported his wife with teaching the older daughter respect, or even his mother.
Parents are prevented by law from disciplining their own children and children are insecure whiny brats because of it.
The temptation her husband and best friend experienced was realistic, given what they were going through, while distasteful.
I admired her friend’s loyalty in the trial though. Both women played excellent roles.
The end was a little confusing, seeing Emma handing her daughters over to their father at the zoo, as if the couple were divorced.
Celebrating new life coming with her friend was lovely, despite her husband’s shouting, saying he did not welcome his former friend at their house. One assumes they got their marriage problems sorted out. Perhaps the close call with her friend’s husband made her friend see why her husband sensed danger in their relationship?
The confusing part was seeing her at their former farm. Did she buy it back, and if so, on what earnings? Her reputation as a school nurse was ruined. What was the outcome of the trial? I would have appreciated closure.
While I LOVED this film, I detest the current tendency not to tie up loose ends, leaving viewers to decide the outcome. In my opinion it is weak scriptwriting as if the author or playwright or director could not make up their combined minds about how the movie should end and I don’t like that at all.
The farm was bought by an organization that brought poor city kids out into the country to give them an experience of nature. That was said when the husband was selling the farm. The mother was visiting there not living there. That was her closure. She was obviously not put into jail, one would conclude she was found not guilty.
The animal petting zoo in the city they now lived in was the little bit of memory of farm life they had left.
@Kiki Vol-au-Vent Thank you. So did I. Poor woman.
Excellent comment. Thank You.
SUPERB PERFORMANCES. As a mother I found them utterly comprehensible.
Thank you. I must look again.
I agree woth a loy you say!!
The farm was sold as a place for kids, look at the sign. She was just there checking it out. Her husband got a job in town with animals, like a pettimg zoo, maybe the daughters went there after school and she went home thats why she asked for his keys? I didnt find it confusing. Also They are eating dinner together with the map she drew as a kid, on the wall behind. Obvisoulsy stronger marriage and no divorce.
My thoughts on the movie; This woman was innocent but human, like we all are. If she had not been so blunt and straightforward with her feelings about the kids at the school she would never have been charged for anything. Maybe moral of the story is dont be honest, just fake it. Her best friend was better suited for the whole role as a mother. Not all woman are like that. She also most likely worked at home. Its sp beautiful when that is ðossible but naturally the kther couple new at farming and probably did not have the means to onlyn live off of that.
The townspeople are incredibly hypocritical. They say they care about the abused child while abusing Alice’s children.
That’s the way it is. I tink most people are just looking for a reason to let get their strong resentments.
This was a powerful movie.
Ms. Sigourney Weaver excellent as usual and beautiful to look at. Ms. Julianne Moore cannot complain beautiful effective heartfelt as well. All the other actors amazing job done, all helped make this overall movie real and binding and a message of people falsely accused due to a sickness or malice evil perpetrated by others ,and the mistakes the regrets the forgiveness and how to move on thereafter. Lots of take aways, and I certainly appreciated and embraced a good script, story and well acted. The ending is benefitting and redemption there. Thanks for the upload period and stay healthy ???☕??
Thank you for uploading this powerful film.
Kudo’s to Sigourney and Julianne, both at the top of their grade here.
I can’t believe that Sigourney has yet to recieve an Oscar, she has done tremendous work, ditto to Glenn Close.
Shame on the Academy members.
Oh gosh , can’t imagine the woman who slew the “Alien” monsters multiple times … being a depressed, oppressed housewife ?
She is a good actress, remember her in Ghostbuster and The year of living dangerously
Lol ?
Yeah but she can play anything..anyone ,brilliantly
This movie just reiterates that having kids is a nightmare
“having kids is a nightmare”
Thanks like saying having a car is a nightmare. Because sometimes you get flat tires, etc.
If you learn how to rear children properly, there is a lot more on the plus side than on the minus.
That being said, parenthood is NOT for everyone. It’s probably better that you don’t have kids. (I hope for their sake it’s not too late.)
One of the rare moments I’m glad. 99.9% of the time I grieve my 3 lost pregnancies, and my lost grandchildren. And now, at 60, I’m starting to grieve my lost great-grandchildren too. It’s not likely my 3 kids would have each had 3, making 9 people, or that they would each have had 3, making 27. But it’s not impossible either! Not by along shot!
There wouldn’t be 27 ever, and they wouldn’t all be lovable. But there’s no doubt in my mind that I’m missing out on a lot of love. Some of these are full blown people in my mind, once in a while. Danielle would be 40, Heather would be 35, and Jaqueline would be 33. Danielle’s kids might have kids. There could be a great grandchild or 2. No names for grand kids or their kids though. Heather and Jackie especially were so real to me.
Makes me glad I never had any.
12:15 Now the kids have the right to hit their parents, and the parents do not have the right to correct their own kids, one phone call to Social Workers to destroy good families…When the parents was allowed to educate their own children without the Gov. Interference, kids were stronger, independent, brave, outgoing, resourceful, intelligent and self sufficient, now Sept. 18, 2020 the 2000 “Generation”, have everything they want but they are, weak, suicidal, do not accept No for answer, disrespectful to parents and people in general, drug addicted, after all many kills their own loving parents because of their Money!!! 21 Century is disgusting…Parents having kids for the Day Care to raise their kids doesn’t help much!!!
It’s just a movie ?♀️
I agree ? They estrange you also
Gigi absolutely agree!!!
@beside myself Sounds like you’ve got too much time on your hands and an over inflated opinion of yourself. I wasn’t responding to you. However, if you’re so well educated and familiar with all the other comments, perhaps rather than sharing insults, you would care to respond to the question asked.
@Dorothy Gears I knew the whack job would eventually slither out, and HERE YOU ARE!
An excellent film! the acting of Signoret Weaver Julienne Moore & all the cast, the directing & true to life story was intense, gripping & had good resolution at the end . THANK YOU!
I admired them both good actresses ????
Too bad they tossed in the Z-LIST actress to play the prosecution counsel. That was ridiculous.